Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Cute Blonde and the Picture Frame

Katie Richter
a.k.a. The Cute Blonde
I hate to say, "I told ya so," but I did tell you so.  Come to think of it, I guess I don't hate it all that much.

For context, you may want to review my post entitled Conscientious Abstention.

There I documented the schizophrenia surrounding the issue of denying services to those with whom one disagrees.  The case study was a baker in Colorado who didn't want to make a cake for a gay wedding.  Of course, he was vilified by the press.  And, of course, he was sued by the gay couple.

I warned you there that this policy would come again but with different examples, including liberals refusing to provide services for those with whom they disagree.

To be fair, it wasn't much of a prediction because, in the post, I cited three other incidences where liberals refused service and no one seemed to care.  It was obvious that it would happen again.

And now it has.  And it happened in Colorado.  Gotta love the irony of it all.

Here's the deal... There's this cute 27 year old gal who lives in Aspen.  She's a transplant from St. Louis and she's a Trump supporter.  Naturally enough, she went to Washington, DC to see the inauguration.  While she was there, she took some photos.  The only odd part of the story is that a 27 year old printed the pictures and wanted to frame them.  The rest of the story is fairly predictable.

In her effort to break with her generation, she went to a place called 'Suitable for Framing' in her new hometown of Aspen, CO.  When the lady in the frame shop saw that the photographs were of the inauguration, she refused to provide framing services to the cute blonde.

See?  I told you America is schizophrenic about this.  I'd bet my last dollar that she was appalled at the baker who refused the cake to the gay couple based upon religious conviction, but she thinks it's OK for her to refuse framing services because of her political opinions.

Curious, isn't it?

Predictably, the cute blonde sued for millions of dollars as the result of her mental anguish.


This just in... she did NOT sue.  Oh, that's right, what was I thinking?  It's the liberals who sue when they get their feelings hurt.  The cute blonde only posted the incident on her Facebook page.  Ah, I knew she hadn't abandoned her generation!

As I said in my previous post, let's just choose a way we want to go with this issue.  I, for one, am a bit weary of having one foot on each side of the fence.

The barbed wire is starting to chaff a might.


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