Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Walking on Water

The Pope and an Indian Chief
Once upon a time, The Pope and an Indian Chief were fishing.  The Chief needed to heed the call of nature so he stepped out of the boat, walked a sufficient distance away, relieved himself, and returned to the boat.

After a bit, the Pope had a similar need, and, following the example of the Chief, stepped out of the boat, whereupon he sunk.  Rising back to the surface sputtering, The Pope said, "Wow, I didn't realize the power of your magic."

The Chief replied, "It's not so much a matter of magic as much as knowing where the rocks are."

OK, not that funny of a joke, but I was put in mind of that old joke when I heard Mike Huckabee last week.  He said that the media is so anti-Trump that, if Trump was seen walking across the Hudson, the headline the next day would be, "Trump Can't Swim."

Gov. Mike Huckabee
I don't know who wrote that line, but it's a good one.

Perhaps you think Huckabee was exaggerating.

Fast forward to this week.  Jason Miller, Trump's Director of Communications said this about those seeking jobs in the Trump administration:

"Presentation is very important because you’re representing America not only on the national stage, but also the international stage depending on the position.  People who are being selected for these key positions need to be able to hold their own, need to be doers and not wallflowers, and need to convey a clear sense of purpose and commitment."

This was the basis for a piece in the Washington Post

The article says that the primary quality that Trump seeks is good looks.  Yep.  He doesn't want a "wallflower," so, clearly, only the best looking people will do.

Jason Miller
It's amazing, really.  The whole line is "need to be doers and not wallflowers."  In this context, he is contrasting wallflowers with doers.  The opposite of doer is not "one who doesn't look good," it's "one who doesn't act."

I feel silly having to even write something so obvious.  Miller is saying that Trump wants people who act, people who accomplish things.  Sounds right to me.  I'm thinking that those are the kind of people who I'd hire.  Wouldn't you?

But, somehow, the press walks away with the conclusion that Trump wants people who look like models.

By the way, if you took the time to read the original article, notice that the quotes about John Bolton's mustache were made by anonymous sources.  Given the context of the article, I'm going to choose to suspend judgment about the veracity of this claim until the sources are referenced.  I'm not saying that it's not true, but I am saying that the benefit of the doubt has been forfeited by the writer since he can't even get the definition of wallflower correct.

There was a time when facts in journalism mattered.  While I don't advocate a return to outhouses, I'm more than a bit nostalgic about truth in print.

Be careful about what you read.

Double checking my way through the press,


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